Preparing for NIS2: A cybersecurity transformation for businesses


The European Union’s Network and Information Systems Directive 2 (NIS2) is set to revolutionize cybersecurity regulations for organizations across Europe, introducing stricter compliance measures for over 160,000 businesses. This represents a significant transformation for many organizations, demanding a comprehensive overhaul of their cybersecurity posture, tools, processes, and skills.

Navigating the NIS2 landscape with practical insights and strategies

To guide organizations through this transformative process, Microsoft has released a free guide: “Preparing for NIS2: 3 Guiding Principles for Leaders”, offering practical insights and strategies for navigating the NIS2 landscape. The guide highlights the need to:

Understand the NIS2 requirements: Thoroughly examine the NIS2 directive to identify the specific compliance obligations applicable to your organization.

Implement robust risk management practices: Proactively identify, assess, and prioritize cybersecurity risks to mitigate potential threats effectively.

Strengthen threat management and incident response capabilities: Employ advanced threat detection and response solutions to gain real-time visibility into cyber threats and enable rapid remediation.

Microsoft’s comprehensive portfolio of cybersecurity solutions empowers organizations to address these requirements and effectively navigate the NIS2 landscape, this includes:

  • solutions for risk planning,
  • threat management,
  • incident response,
  • employee training to empower businesses to strengthen cybersecurity.


NIS2 not only represents a compliance mandate but also presents a strategic opportunity for businesses to strengthen their cybersecurity posture, enhance their reputation, and build trust with customers and stakeholders. By demonstrating commitment to robust cybersecurity measures, organizations can safeguard sensitive data, maintain operational integrity, and position themselves for success in an increasingly interconnected and vulnerable digital landscape. Microsoft stands alongside organizations as they embark on their NIS2 compliance journey, providing unwavering support, expertise, and technology solutions to navigate the transformation successfully and foster a more secure and trustworthy digital future.

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