Preparing for NIS2


European businesses take note: a new era of cybersecurity regulations is upon us. The Network and Information Systems 2 (NIS2) Directive, coming into effect this October, is set to be the most comprehensive cybersecurity law in the European Union to date.

What does NIS2 do?

NIS2 aims to create a more unified front against cyber threats by introducing consistent cybersecurity standards across all member states. It covers a wide range of sectors, 15 in total, including energy, transport, healthcare, and digital infrastructure.

Here’s what businesses can expect:

  • Minimum cybersecurity measures: NIS2 sets a baseline for essential security practices. This includes risk assessments, data encryption policies, employee training, and multifactor authentication.
  • Incident response plans: Organizations will need to create documented plans for handling and reporting security incidents. This ensures a swift and coordinated response to cyberattacks.
  • Business continuity planning:  NIS2 emphasizes the importance of maintaining operations during and after a security incident. Companies will need to have plans in place to minimize disruption.

How can you prepare?

Understanding the scope of NIS2 is crucial for businesses operating in the EU. Resources are available to help you navigate the new regulations. Luckily, we can support your compliance journey, or check out the Microsoft Security solutions if you need help.

Take action today

Don’t wait until October. Familiarize yourself with NIS2 requirements and explore how Microsoft Security solutions can assist you in achieving compliance. By taking proactive steps, you can ensure your business is well-prepared for the new era of European cybersecurity.

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